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Getting to know music artist Sister Shalom

What’s your artist name and where are you from?

I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA but have been residing in Dallas, TX since 2018. Atlanta raised me, but Dallas saved me. My artist name is Sister Shalom, which means peace. James 3:18 KJV states “And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.”  Peace is a fruit of the spirit and one of the main elements of righteousness. So I try to live peacably to continue to sow the fruit of righteousness within me. 

Why do you love music?

I love music because not only does music heal, comfort, and bring people joy. Music is also a significant form of worshipping God. The Lord commands us to praise and worship Him through music and songs. There are many scriptures throughout the Bible that reference giving praise to the Lord through song. Ephesians 5:18-19 paraphrased says, “Be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. God blessed me with the gift to sing and make music, so not only do I use music to give praise unto the Lord, music is my way of ministering the Gospel of Christ.

What makes you different as a music artist?

I’m more that an artist, I am a servant of God. I don’t make music for entertainment, I make music to minister the Word of God. I’m not a traditional Christian/Gospel artist. I spent a lot of time in the streets, but God brought out of that lifestyle so that I can spread a message and tell the testimony of His grace and mercy. I use my past experiences to try and make a connection with people that may be going through situations similar to what I’ve been through. I incorporate the Word of God into my lyrics in a way that is practical and relatable, to help people understand that serving God is a necessity to living a prosperous life. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years I see myself being a well known Christian artist. I see myself having toured in multiple cities in the states, and several countries around the world. Using my platform to spread the Word of God and bringing people to the truth using my musical gift. I see myself making a difference within my community by opening housing programs for the homeless, and creating benefit programs for underprivileged youth.  I want to give people opportunities that I never had, to help them get farther in life a lot faster than I did. I want to give people the choice to live a better life through faith and understanding of the Word of God.

What do you want to accomplish in life?

All I wish to accomplish in this life is to do the will of the Father and inspire people to seek righteousness by spreading the true Word of God. I aspire to become more steadfast in the Word of God because each stage in this walk requires a different level of faith and endurance. So leveling up mentally and spiritually is one of my most immediate goals. Subsequently, I can achieve a lot more if I am in the right state of mind spiritually. 

What do you bring to the music world?

I see myself as one of the pioneers of female Christian rap artists. I bring versatility to the world of Gospel music because I am a lyricist with a unique ability to incorporate the Word of God into rhythmic schemes in a simple and relatable manner. There are Bible scriptures in all of my verses. I always use scripture to substantiate the message I am attempting to convey. So I’m not just rapping, I’m preaching and spreading the Word of God. 

What do you want to remembered by?

I want to be remembered for being a woman of God. A diligent and faithful servant of God, one who labored liberally in the Gospel without wavering.


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